Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Book smarts with intellectualism and street smarts with Essay
apply smarts with intellectualism and street smarts with anti-intellectualism - Essay ExampleBy agreeing with his premise, this student will retrace Graffs logic and digest a level of external analysis that will provide the reader with a more informed understanding and logical progression with respect to how Graffs transformation took place.Firstly, before delving directly subject matter, it must(prenominal) be understood that scholars and societal stakeholders alike oftentimes to distance intellectualism from anti-intellectualism. It is without question that there is tension and skirmish between these two points of hitch with both intellectuals and anti-intellectuals being distrustful, spiteful, and downright cruel to one another. Lunch has with regards the sort in which individuals of different classes control separated themselves, lunch in the same way that individual races have been sidelined within American society, Graff argues the fact that intellectualism has separate d itself from anti-intellectualism, and vice versa, to such a degree that these two distinct groups have come to an even further level of conflict within the current world. However, these social constraints aside, it is can and apparent that the similarity that exists between these two groups is greater than the dissimilarity that they purport to espouse (Fridlan 890). For instance, Graff represents the early childishness disagreements, arguments, and disputes that he had with fellow adolescents in his youth. Instead of serving as mindless and un-intellectual banter, as many baron assume, these levels of argumentation encouraged and coaxed the stakeholders into providing a level of substantiation, facts, and representative understanding with respect to the position that they espouse. Although they most surely did not understand it at the time, the need to substantiate their beliefs and promote a level of understanding concerning their points of view was
Monday, April 29, 2019
Review #2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
followup 2 - Essay ExampleYet there are still many unanswered questions, and it is credibly that our current understanding of pre-Homo sapiens past will change completely as new induction is discovered (Wenke and Olszewski, 85).Many scientists fascinated by the relatively short time between the earths formation and the density of the modern day human civilizations, believe that life on earth comes from the unintended connection of the earths orbit with the cloud of complex chemicals brewed in some ancient leading(predicate) explosion. On the other hand, many people believe in the Divine creation story. However, the major cause of anthropology is that one should begin any research into our origins, history as well as destiny electric charge in mind the real-world itemors of culture, climate, and genetics among others. With the careful study of the shattered fragments of our ancestors, their tools and other material evidence we erect at least detect something about our nature and our past.According to Wenke and Olszewski (86), a human being is a unique animal who is different from other life-forms. A traditional view is that we are unique in our ability to manipulate symbols and that the evolution of this ability underlies in all human achievements. Although its a fact that modern humans are different from other primates, it should be noted that our earlier ancestors were so overmuch alike to other primates as one goes back in time and we must besides admit that symbolic capacities of our ancestor remain unknown to
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Abrasive Consultant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Abrasive Consultant - Essay ExamplePeter Drucker was of the opinion that We know nothing about motivation. All we can do is write books about it. (Spillane and Martin, 2005, pg. 46). Although Drucker had a preferably hopeless view on the subject, from a psychological perspective it is possible to conjecture about an individualists agendas. To consider the possible reasons for Julias fashion, we must first analyze her reputation type. An abrasive personality is one that annoys others and causes hostility as a result. The dictionary meaning likewise lists synonyms that include overly aggressive. Abrasive behavior that is erratic, resulting in heightened conflict, the blame game, ambiguity, overt contempt, and defensiveness is typically seen as an outward symptom of mystic feelings of inadequacy and fear. In addition, there is a self-generated environment which, according to theorists, is another complex floor in the relationship between human behavior and environment. The conc ept postulates a particular type of behavior produces conditions that affect future behavior. For instance, individuals who have abrasive personalities, contribute to the creation of a social environment that is hostile, lede to further aggression from them. This is a self-perpetuating cycle sustained by the aggressive individual. Granted the state of a parents health can be an emotional issue, but Julia could easily have make a few calls herself to verify her mothers health. This lapse and her subsequent rant at Cathy at the office indicate a tendency toward manipulative behavior, either conscious or subconscious. Cathys feelings of guilty conscience are a direct result of her being emotionally blackmailed by Julia into feeling guilty. This manipulation results in a role reversal, where Julia, who in actuality has a subordinate position, assumes a dominant role, forcing Cathy into a subservient one. Indeed, Julia may derive a secret pleasure from this short-lived but repeated f orced reversal and dominance. It also results in the vital issue of client dissatisfaction not being addressed, again, due to the manipulative tactics Julia may have adopted to avoid being warned.
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Moral Courage Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Moral Courage - bind ExampleBy exposing the scam, Luy actually risked his life and was allegedly previously held in detention when his cousin pretend that he was already on the verge of exposing the scam. It was eventually revealed that there are apparent links to members of the Congress, who allegedly are using these silver for their own personal interests, with Janet Lim Napoles devising bogus non-government institutions are apparent recipients of the funds (Wenceslao, 2013). As a result, the alleged perpetuator of the scam, Janet Lim Napoles, is currently being held in trial and incarcerated to determine the veracity of the allegations and to soupcon other cohorts who could have been instrumental in designing the scam.The person, Benhur Luy, is therefore commended for his moral courage in his close to describe the scam. Despite the fact that it was his cousin who apparently headed the scrupulous transactions, in possible cohorts with some lawmakers, Benhur Luy had obstinate to reveal the long-time secret. According to the report, Benhur Luy said he worked with Janet Lim-Napoles for ten years, from 2002 to 2012. He was therefore in a assign to describe the rise of the Napoles PDAF scam business empire (Wenceslao, 2013, par. 10). The scam was reportedly described as follows Napoles revolve and dealing with lawmakers and government bureaucrats (the roles reversed later, with lawmakers wheeling and dealing with Napoles) Luy and other members of Napoless staff preparing bogus document for bogus non-government organizations and ghost beneficiaries and forging signatures peoples money exchanging hands (Wenceslao, 2013, par. 8).What was disturbing actually, was the fact that it took such a long time, ten years, before Benhur Luy was able to gather that much moral courage to expose the graft and corruption that had existed and had been perpetuated by his cousin, and including him. The person should have been able to expose the scam at an
Friday, April 26, 2019
Confessions of an economic hitman Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Confessions of an economic hitman - analyze ExampleSecondly I need to evaluate the economic value of this jungle in hurt of how much its worth in both nominal and real value. For instance, assuming the jungle is rich in oil, then how much is that oil worth and how much does it benefit the small population in the jungle? If for instance am supposed to trash the jungle by either burning the resources, the value of $ 10 million a year in relation to the damage I depart cause to the surround and the benefits I would deprive the people, in the annual analysis of the value of the jungle and its resources would be roughly much than $10 million promised and considering the welfare of the people who depend on it either directly or indirectly, and the pertinacious term analysis of the benefits in a bigger perspective than the annual remuneration, it is not worth the price. concord to the confessions by economic hit man, most citizens of once rich nations are sabotaged to pay pass costs /interests of mistakes done by a few individuals for longer time than these individuals took to benefit from these mistake which is not fair. Question2 Do the CEOs of major oil companies go to bed about the Economic Hit Man? Discuss why they might not and how they might look at this admit. No, I dont think they accredit because from his story where he is headed to shell in 2003, he is on a mission to end a war he probably created. This is to mean that his mission was to talk to these communities about their control of the reserves which communities were quick to die for in the name of survival of their generations. If we have to look at the operations of the CEOs of these companies they are sincerely in the dark on the favors extended to their companies by these economic hit men just to be surprised by the interests to be paid back. The fact that EHTs is a group of elite men and women who put on the financial organizations that foment other nations subservient to corporatocracy , the fact that they give loans and grants for ports, pipe lines and spunky ways, and the fact that they demand access to precious resources such as oil reserves when economies/ these firms default on the loan grants, then its a true indication that the CEOs of these oil companies do not know the existence of EHMs and/or these EHMs use unclear paths to camouflage their activities and existence thus making it hard for recognition. They will look at this book as the revelation of their unending financial problems because of high cost of operate loans and grants that come with intrinsic but latent consequences. If they decide to look at this book as an brainstorm of new opportunities, they might decide to cut off the dependence on loans extended with an infrastructural motive and/or cut the supply of their output to the countries associated with EHMs. Question3 How does patriotism and religion allow them to get away with activities described in the book? First, they extend grants i n good favor to either governments or financial institutions in form of maturement assistance in which they later control the operations of the grant. For instance, when they give grants in form of loans to
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Ethical Issue Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Ethical Issue - Case Study ExampleAdditionally, the principle of liberty forbids health care providers from exerting pressure on perseverings to undergo procedures with they do not want performed on them. As such, exerting pressure or failing to give all the pertinent information that a patient requires may result in a breach of the ethical principle of autonomy (Butts and Rich, 2013). Additionally, the principle of autonomy withal requires that the vulnerable population, such as the elderly be provided with adequate protection by those administering care to them. This is because they may not be able to understand the information that they require to make the right decision.Based on the facts of the deterrent example, it is clear that the principle of autonomy applies to Mr. Jones case in a number of ways. Firstly, the case shows that Mr. Jones, who is an elderly patient requires immediate attention from health care professionals so that his chequer can be treated. The medical condition requires that the patient undergo an invasive procedure, such as inserting the tube in his stomach to enable him draw and gain weight. However, according to the principle of autonomy, it is important that the patient be given ample time and chance to make an informed decision as to whether or not to undergo the invasive procedure (Butts and Rich, 2013). Therefore, the health care providers adhered to this principle because they gave Mr. Jones ample time and the opportunity to decide whether to undergo an invasive procedure or not. For instance, after Mr. Jones had declined to undergo the treatment, one of the health care professional suggested that the patient be given bountiful time to make an informed decision, which adhered to the principle. The principle of autonomy also applied to this case because the situation postulate that the patient be provided with the necessary information to enable him makes an informed decision. Again it is clear from the fact of the ca se since the health care providers did give all the
Marketing communications proposal for P&O Ferries Essay
Marketing communications proposal for P&O Ferries - Essay ExampleP & O Ferries is a company that focuses its interests on customer comfort. One can rely on this firm for altogether their excursionling and all vacation needs. This is because they understand how significant a holiday is to the customer. It has stable brands that are rather effective that would not fail their customers. Finally, they are capable of providing family holidays valuably. The organisation is also flexible, they use different routes and go to different destinations their goods and services are worthy trusting in. It is necessary to take a ferry eluding for holiday, relaxation, shopping, refreshments and also partying (Hackley 2005). Nowadays there have been many interruptions in air transport, increased insecurity, discomfort, inconveniences and many different problems. This is the reason why ferries have been introduced for convenience and cheap transport to ones destination. The main challenge though is relations with the negative views population have on ferries. People have the belief that ferries are slow, uncomfortable and are more risky incase breakdowns in the middle of the ocean.P & O Ferries caters for ones travelling, vacations and holiday needs by providing efficient transport facilities that are reliable and customer friendly. As a company, it understands the importance of holiday to its customers, providing its customers with look on for their money and it is a stable brand which is reliable (Hackley 2005). The main objectives of the report entrust be to modernise a tourist creative idea aiming at non-ferry users to increase their awareness about P&O Ferries as an effective and credible alternative method of travel which is less costly than the air travel. This will encourage many more people to opt to use ferries when travelling instead of using some other costly means.The target audience will include non-ferry customers in Europe taking into account that Euro peans travel mostly during spring and summer. To add to that our target will also include customers who want to take their cars with them when travelling. This is because ferries reserve one to travel with the car as they are huge enough to accommodate cars and do not charge exorbitantly. Our target audience would also include customers who have become fed up with the inconveniences by air transport and also the restriction of bags and other luggage (Fill 2006). There will be no restriction on the amount of personal luggage one would want to travel with as pine as they can afford to pay the fee. The companys other target audience will include people who take holiday travel as being too expensive. A ferry provides a precise cost efficient and effective alternative. Finally, the target audience would include customers who seek security, trustworthiness and established ferries. The contention will include other ferries and the cheaply charging flights (Smith & Taylor 2000).About too ls, media, recommendations and justification, we are going to use different trade strategies to sell our idea to our target audiences and esteemed customers. The strategies will include among others, advertising where the organization will go to the media and buy a space for a publication of their products and services the more the space taken,
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Natural and Common Logs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Natural and Common Logs - audition ExampleThis problem was solved in 1594 by a Mathematician from Scotland, known as John Napier, who introduced a set of logarithmic numbers. (Nagel, 2002, 2006) Today, they are used in modern scientific methods as well, such as calculations for computer science applications and algorithms. Finding out the efficiency of a certain algorithm, the time it takes to solve accompaniment instructions etc. other than that, for many years, logarithms have been used in physics, chemistry, biology in compute statistical data and values. Logarithms are used in graphical representation of the collected data and throne also be used to forecast a trend based on the hand overn data. In the field of engineering, exponentials can give you a hard time determining correlations between events and factors. In such cases, a logarithm can make the problematic ladder linear and provide a moderately accurate approximation. This makes solving it easy. The graphical repr esentations of logarithmic functions can be much easier to analyze than complex ones and give a better understanding. An model would be of biology, in which the growth of an enzyme is being monitored. Suppose the function provided isConverting a logarithmic function into an exponential function can be done in a unsubdivided way. A logarithmic function is the reflection of an exponential function in the line y = x. ... An example would be of biology, in which the growth of an enzyme is being monitored. Suppose the function provided isY = ln x (9.5), where x is the variable quantity that strains the growth of the enzyme. The graph for it would look like(Zorn, n.d)The graph provides a linear and simple representation, without the use of logarithm, this could be a very problematic function to deal with. Logarithm to ExponentialConverting a logarithmic function into an exponential function can be done in a simple way. A logarithmic function is the reflection of an exponential function in the line y = x. for example, the equation we took above, y = ln x (9.5) would become y = ex(9.5). the graph for the exponential function would look like(Zorn, n.d)Here, we clearly see that some(prenominal) graphs are laterally inverted. ProofY = ln x(9.5)After reflection in the line y = xX(9.5) = lnyNow recall that if ln x = y, past x = e yTherefore if ln y = x, then y = e xso y = ex(9.5)Works Cited1. L. Bostock, S. C. (1990, 1994, 2000). Core Mathematics for Advanced Level. Cheltenham Nelson Thornes.2. Nagel, R. (2002, 2006). Logarithm. Retrieved June 20, 2008, from enotes.com encyclopedia of Science http//www.enotes.com/uxl-science-encyclopedia/logarithm3. Zorn, W. (n.d.). Function Grapher Online. Retrieved June 20, 2008, from walterzorn.com
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Same-Sex Sexuality, Biology and Social Responses Essay
Same-Sex Sexuality, Biology and fond Responses - Essay ExampleThis subject explores the existence of homosexuality and how sexuality and biology are related. The paper reviews the scientific discoveries that have been made on the occurrence of homosexuality in a persons genes. The paper also discusses the negative responses of the society towards homosexuality and their effects on frolicsome and lesbian people.Darwin denied the existence of same-sex behavior amongst humans. Arguing on scientific grounds, he observed that the reason for intercourse is that transfer of sperms takes place and an result is taked. If the nature follows such rules for mating, then it is not possible for homosexuality to exist since copulation between the same-sex cannot produce offspring (Roughgarden, 2004, p.127). Opponents of the existence of homosexuality adhere to the point of view that homosexuality is a result of somewhat error or a deceitful trick. Until 1973, homosexuality was regarded as a sexual disorder and was a part of DSM (Kring, Johnson, Davison & Neale, 2009). However, homosexuality was removed as an official mental disorder due to the pressure from the gay community and psychiatrists (Rosario, 2002, p. 1). Proponents of the topic argue that copulation and reproduction are two different concepts (Roughgarden, 2004, p.127).Research has shown that copulation is not only needed for the purpose of breeding, but it also essential for the satisfaction of the sexual necessitate of the people and to deal with their relationships. This has been proved by studying the sexual needs of both men and women. Women favour the fostering of a close relationship with a man before having intercourse with him (EastWest Institute, 2010).
Monday, April 22, 2019
Discuss the Iranian Constitutional Revolution's causes and outcomes Essay
Discuss the Iranian Constitutional transitions causes and outcomes - Essay ExampleThe Iranian inherent Revolution of 1906 stands to highlight the pivotal moment, that shaped the formation of the modern Iraq nation. The Iranian society underwent a series of changes that touch on its motive relations, social bodily structure, and the political language (Campo, 200955). In addition, the relentless European penetration into the nation lead to its subsequent weakening, affecting the economy as well as the traditional elites thus bringing Iran in the doorsteps of the expanding capitalism system (Afary, Anderson & Foucault, 200590). This processes led the country into a change of the constitution. This research paper will try out the chronology of notwithstandingts that necessitated Irans virgin constitutional dispensation, first the birth of the revolution, secondly the causes of the constitutional revolution and thirdly the outcomes of the constitutional revolution. The itinerary of the revolution To begin with, the itinerary of Irans constitutional birth traces back to the days of Qajar regime (Sohrabi, 201148). A journey shed new light to the country. It highlighted the role of ordinary citizens, peasantry, the status of women, and the multifaceted structure of the Iranian society, in the course of realizing the new law reforms. As distinguishd earlier in the introduction, the new changes in the military, administrative, educational, and judicial reforms led to emergency of new institutions and a new social stratum of intellectuals. As this seemed not going to end, the simplification of the Persian prose, which aimed at articulating it to a new system of historical tarradiddle no longer basing on Muslim, was on its way to change the existing social norms (Daniel, 200054). As a reason to this, the dominant Iranian conversation or discourse changed. This discourse, which was the bonding element between state and religion, led to the emergency of new relat ions of power and knowledge. People shifted away from the use of possessors of knowledge to universe spiritualists (Katouzian, 2006105). They now referred to the religious elites. At this level, it is clear that the country was operating on devil different and fence blocs. Qajar regime tried to create social reforms in the existing institutions. The regime-faced collisions even from clergies who had became an important component of the power bloc. As a result, with each group having its own resolutions and visions, the end was a conflict of interest. This slowed down the curtilage of reforms. The lag in the realization of reforms increased the dissatisfaction between the merchants and the intellectuals. Consequently, this brought uneasiness to the Qajars. At this stage, the merchants and the intellectuals opposed the governments slow pace because they believed they possessed more revitalized ideas. All those who were for the reforms and those who formed the pact of not in suppor t, ganged up to discredit the government due to its despotism of the state (Sohrabi, 201166). The aftermath of this was the fight that targeted despotism. This brought together even the opposing forces, which prior had diverse antagonistic demands and aspirations. In this emerging discourse, the political space divided into two (Afary, Anderson & Foucault, 2005114). There was the state on one expression and the antagonistic poles on the other (people and the state). On the side of the, opposing force, only one thing unified them, the defense of their creed (defense of the millat). At this time, there was a radical
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Stalinism and Leninism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Stalinism and Leninism - Essay ExampleThere is no generally accepted particular of view. The adherents of the continuity theory believe that Stalinism was the direct continuation of Leninism whereas their opponents do not (Evans, 1993). Paradoxically besides they use the same citations and rhetoric to approve their believes. Stalin was a deserving successor of his teacher and comrade hence many phenomena of Stalinism had their roots in the theoretical postulates proposed by Lenin. Such conceptual views like classless centralism in the governing, expectation of international revolution, and single party rule (ibid) are characteristic both for Leninism and Stalinism. so far some Stalins contributions are distinctive of Lenins views. Thus he supported thesis of the possibility to built fabianism in one country, and substantial the theory of aggravation of the class struggle along with the development of fabianism (Stalin, 1933).The critics of Stalinism (e.g. Leon Trotsky and hi s followers) as well as the historians Discontinuity who support alternative theory argue that Stalinism cease the development of Lenins ideas. Lenin proposed the rule of party and dictatorship of the revolutionary proletariat while Stalin replaced this thesis with the absolute big businessman of party leader. Theoretical achievements of Stalins works were non-significant thus Stalinism is more related to the style of governing than to uncoiled political theories (Fitzpatrick, 2000).Some researchers found the relation between the traditional Russian autocracy (Tzars government) and Stalinism (Kotkin, 1997 McCauley, 2003). They delve that Stalin adopted traditions to the new ideology and built the cult of cause person. Contrarily Lenin never emphasized his own role in the Bolshevistics party.Of course, many features of Stalinism could be linked to the trends occurred during Lenins rule. Thus Red Terror developed the tools and infrastructure for the further repressions. Lenin wr ote in 1917 One out of every ten idlers will be tang on the spot. He gave hundreds orders for repressions and murders but he never use his weapon and deterrent against members of his party - they could be exiled from Russia but their lives were preserved. Nevertheless the idea of political control through terror is related Lenin. It was Lenin who rigid the police state foundations which made Stalins monstrous feats technically possible (Leggett, 1981, cited by D02C143HP, 2003).Stalin was not too liberal, he killed more Communists than Hitler, Mussolini and Franco together. He destroyed Lenins Bolshevik Party and murdered all its leaders (Woods, 2004). During the purges thousands of people were expelled from the Bolshevik Party and then arrested, imprisoned or persecuted later. But the number of Stalinism victims was estimated at the millions. They put their lives to the basement of Soviet Empire and its leader, Stalin.There is interestingly that Lenin understood the dangerosity o f his comrade, Stalin, for Bolshevik Party. He wrote in his Testament accomplice Stalin, having become General Secretary has immeasurable power concentrated in his hands, and I am not sure that he always knows how to use that power with sufficient control (Lenin, 1922)Lenin and Stalin demonstrated different approaches in the economic policy of Communist State. Vladimir Lenin introduced the New Economic Policy and restored the agricultural and industrial
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Buddism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Buddism - Essay ExampleThe require of a Prince, confined to the four walls of the Palace, to know the righteousness in life, gave to the valet de chambre the great philosophy and world religion or way of life known as BUDDHISM. It is based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, who is known as the Buddha, or the Enlightened One.Siddhartha Gautama, the great warrior Prince, was born around 566 BC in Lumbini (formerly in North India). horizontal when he was an infant a seer predicted that Siddhartha would become either a great King or an enlightened unrivalled. The king, fearful of losing his son and heir to the kingdom, confined him to the Palace. During his three attempts to encounter with the realities that lay outside the walls of the Palace, Prince Siddhartha saw a sick man, an old woman and a decaying corpse and a wandering blessed man. This created unrest within him and he agnize that there is something beyond the human life, beyond the physical existence. He realized th at all men have to undergo all these four stages and not just in one life but life after life. While the Palace was sleeping, one night he escaped leaving his wife and child, and the luxuries of the Palace, in search of the truth. This was the first step towards attaining bodha.In search of the truth Siddhartha travelled across the country, from one saint to the other. At each step he did release one layer of negativity from within but was still not able to attain the truth. He realized that neither a the life penance and ascetic practices nor a life full of luxuries could reach him there. He discovered what is now called the middle path to attain enlightenment.He remembered a moment in childishness in which he had been watching his father start the seasons plowing, and he had fallen into a naturally toilsome and focused state in which time seemed to stand still, and which was blissful and refreshing (Wikipedia). He sat put down under a large
Friday, April 19, 2019
Coach or Mentoring Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Coach or Mentoring Reflection - Essay ExampleThis research begins with the statement that mentoring, or coaching, refers to the training of an individual or a group of people. A single or a unified entity, with the aim of developing positive outcomes in a mentee, may undertake it. The teachers responses to the pre-established questions on the characteristics and types of support offered by a mentor or a coach corresponded with slight differences in the mentors commence to the mentoring process. The teachers, for example, agreed that a mentor must be a person of integrity who is honest and ethical in the mentoring process. They both cited advantages of honesty and morality in the process towards utileness. While honesty develops the mentees aver and facilitates freedom between the two parties, the mentors morality induces the mentees confidence. These allow the mentee to express strengths and weaknesses, comfortably, for an effective mentoring process. The teachers also stressed that integrity is core to every mentorship relationship. They also shared a common depression on the mentors passion in the process and they argued that the passion is likely to motivate the mentored society who may associate it with his or her already developed qualities. One teacher, however, suggested that such(prenominal) passion should be passably show while the other argued for total expression of the mentors passion. on that point was however, a unlike opinion on whether the mentor should be willing to learn more from the process. One teacher expressed the opinion that the mentor is a trainer and should learn outside, and before mentoring process. He identified research on effective mentoring skills as an approach towards learning about the mentoring process and pointed out that learning from the process my adversely affect the mentees confidence, and the overall effectiveness of the learning process. The other teacher however supported an reach approach that allows a mentor to learn from each process. She identified differences among mentored subjects as an avenue towards learning and argued that publish mentoring skills are mere guidelines. Awareness of each mentee and the mentoring environment should therefore be allowed for development of appropriate mentoring techniques. There was however an agreement between the respondents that a mentor be enthusiastic and committed to any assignment that may arise from the process. This, they argued, facilitates the same characteristics in the mentored parties and promotes effectiveness of mentoring processes (Zachary, 2000). A mentor should further be cerebrate on solving problems and empowering others to capacity by delegating work. A transformational form of influence should however delineate this to ensure effective transfer of skills and potentials to the mentee. There were however, conflicting opinion on a mentors need to assure reformation and transformational processes. While one teacher argu ed that effective mentorship is about influence and mandate that is attainable through demonstrations, the other teacher insisted on the significance of transformation and reformation processes in work a mentee to a desired level of potential. They however agreed that a mentor should be a catalyst to motivate development of the mentees potentials. They also agreed that a mentor should desire to receive and should be able to identify other peoples interest and to facilitate development of such interests. He or she should therefore strife for personal excellence while interacting with other people to understand their abilities. A good mentor should also have good communication skills to facilitate understanding in the mentoring process. This is because the skills enable the mentor to communicate objectives to a mentee
The Hawaiian Monarchy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Hawaiian Monarchy - Essay ExampleKamehameha used intelligence gathering and warfare experience to toss off most of his enemies in different war fronts. The unified legal system promoted unity in the Hawaiian Islands even after the oddment of the Kamehameha. This indicates the strength of the legal system instated and the tolerance of the Hawaiian people. According to monkey around et al. (76), the Hawaiian Islands quelled united for a long time with the exception of the five months British occupation.For the case of engineering science and other in advance(p) concepts, Kamehameha made contacts with the distant world such as the British who provided his army with modem technology. The modern armoury made his army superior and this aided him and his descendants to have a technologically and well-equipped army ( muck about et al. (129). In essence, Kamehameha adopted technology, particularly on armoury through creation of contacts between Hawaii and outside world. Later thes e ties created trade links, which saw Hawaii Islands develop into a commercial canter.In conclusion, the Hawaii Islands remain united up to today because of the strong legal system, Kamehameha created. Several battles brought the unification of the Hawaiian Islands. On his death in 1819, king Kamehameha left the law of the splintered paddle and other attributed laws as the unifying pillar of the Hawaiians Potter et al.
Thursday, April 18, 2019
The Expectations for 2062 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Expectations for 2062 - Essay ExampleThis essay approves that phones would never be the same, there will be no touch screens, phones will flow with sensors again detecting what is going on in the opinion of the user, it will send a message to the people who the user wants to interact with. The phones will also come with an anti-spam policy which would restrict the users from using blasphemous language and posting crude stuff over the internet. Cars would transpose too, there would be no drivers required to drive the cars. It would be auto-driven and equipped with all the safety measures so as to avoid fatal accidents. This paper declares that ambulances would have separate lanes so as to reach patients readily there would be an alarm in each house which would trip out itself upon detecting unrest. For instance, the alarm would trigger itself if someone is trying to rob a house and the nearest police station would be aware automatically, the alarm would trigger itself should anyone require medical helperance and an ambulance would arrive within no time to assist the patient. Such sophisticated systems would become a reality in 2026. People who die of hunger would never die of it in 2026 the world would become self sufficient which it sadly is not now. There would be no nuclear weapons because the world would not require it. To conclude it is fair to say that 2026 will fix about some unimaginable changes, technology is bound to get even better in the advance years. Most other things would also get better when the technology becomes better.
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Pick 3 topics, each topic has only 1 paragraph with more than 10 Essay
Pick 3 topics, each topic has only 1 paragraph with more than 10 sentences i guess. so it give be 3 paragraphs - Essay ExampleThe formation of gangs in shallows, and the related violence and rivalry, is reduced by the absence of gang-identified clothes. At the same time, uniforms eliminate expensive items of clothing which lead to jealousy and theft. The secure initiate environment established by a uniform dress computer code creates an atmosphere of sharing which in turn leads to increased self-esteem.School uniforms contribute to the development of self-esteem in public prepare scholars. This is an off-shoot of the feature that self-esteem is significantly linked to attire in the case of most adolescents. This is largely because clothes argon an indication of the students economic background. The difference in dress leads to the differentiation between lavish and poor students. As clothes make a statement, student identities become linked to their clothes. Those who are ot iose to keep up with the latest fashion trends risk being teased by their wealthier peers. There is in like manner the risk of teachers being unconsciously influenced by the affluence of students as reflected by their clothes. This many lead to differential treatment of students in class. A uniform dress code eliminates differences based on the students home environment and gives students the opportunity to be judged completely on the basis of their abilities. The resulting increase in self-esteem leads to improved academic performance.Academic performance is improved by a uniform dress code as the distraction of dressing fashionably for school is eliminated. Conflict with parents over what constitutes appropriate attire for school is also avoided. As there is no need to spend time on choosing clothes and accessories for school every morning, there is more time for study at home. At the same time, punctuality, and attendance at the first classroom session in schools, is improved. As uniforms eliminate the need for school teachers to monitor students attire, more time
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Ppt Financial Derivatives Essay Example for Free
Ppt Financial Derivatives EssayGLOBAL EDITIONMULTINATIONAL strain FINANCE12TH EDITIONDavid K.Arthur I.Michael H.EITEMANUniversity of California, Los AngelesSTONEHILLOregon State University and the University of Hawaii at ManoaMOFFETTThunderbird School of Global focussingBoston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai capital of the United Kingdom Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City Sao Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei TokyoContents offend I G l o b a l Financial E n v i r o n m e n t 1 Chapter 1 Globalization and the MyBtiBnatiomaO Enterprise 2 Globalization and Creating Value in the Multinational Enterprise 3 The theory of Comparative Advantage 4 What Is Different about Global Financial charge? 7 market Imperfections A Rationale for the Existence of the Multinational Firm 8 The Globalization Process 9 abridgment Points 13 MINI-CASE Porsche Changes Tack 13 Questions Problems mesh Exercises 19Chapter 2 Financial Goals and Corporate brass Who Owns the argument? 22 What Is the Goal of Management? 24 Corporate Governance 28 unofficial Points 40MINI-CASE Governance Failure at Enron 41 Questions n Problems n meshwork Exercises 4522Chapter 3 IDie planetary Monetary System History of the external Monetary System 50 Contemporary notes Regimes 56 Emerging foodstuffs and Regime Choices 62 The Birth of a europiuman capital The Euro 64 Exchange mark Regimes What Lies Ahead? 69 Summary Points 70 MINI-CASE The Revaluation of the Chinese Yuan 71 Questions Problems Internet Exercises 7450Chapter 4 International Business consummations The BaBance of Payments Typical Balance of Payments Transactions China 79 Fundamentals of Balance of Payments Accounting 80 The Accounts of the Balance of Payments 81 The large(p) and Financial Account 83 The Balance of Payments in Total 89 The Balance of Payments Interaction with Key Macroeconomic Variables 91 hand Balances and Exchange regulates 94 swell Mobility 97 Summary Points 99 MINI-CASE Turkeys Kriz (A) Deteriorating Balance of Payments 100 Questions Problems D Internet Exercises 10278Chapter 5Current Multinational Financial Challenges The Credit Crisis of 2007-2009 106 The Seeds of Crisis Subprime Debt 106 The Transmission Mechanism Securitization and Derivatives of Securitized Debt 109 The side effect The Crisis of 2007 and 2008 120xivContentsxvThe Remedy Prescriptions for an Infected Global Financial Organism 129 Summary Points 131 MINI-CASE Letting Go of Lehman Brothers 132 Questions D Problems Internet Exercises 134PART II alien Exchange Theory and Markets Chapter The external Exchange Market 138137Geographical Extent of the Foreign Exchange Market 138 Functions of the Foreign Exchange Market 139 Market Participants 140 Transactions in the Interbank Market 142 Foreign Exchange grade and Quotations 148 Summary Points 156 MINI-CASE The Venezuelan Bolivar Black Market 157 Questions D Problems a Inte rnet Exercises 160Chapter? InternationaB Parity Conditions 164 Prices and Exchange Rates 164 matter to Rates and Exchange Rates 172 Forward Rate as an Unbiased Predictor of the Future severalize Rate 181 Prices, Interest Rates, and Exchange Rates in Equilibrium 183 Summary Points 184 MINI-CASE Currency Pass-Through at Porsche 185 Questions Problems Internet Exercises 186 Appendix An Algebraic Primer to International Parity Conditions 193Chapter 8 Foreign Currency ierivatoves Foreign Currency Futures 198 Currency plectrons 201 Foreign Currency Speculation 203 pick determine and Valuation 210 Currency Option Pricing Sensitivity 213 Prudence in approach pattern 221197Summary Points 222 MINI-CASE Warren Buffetts Love-Hate Relationship with Derivatives 223 Questions Problems Internet Exercises 226 Appendix Currency Option Pricing Theory 230Chapter 9 Interest Rate and Currency Swaps 234 Defining Interest Rate attempt 234 Management of Interest Rate Risk 237 Trident jackpot Swa pping to Fixed Rates 245 Currency Swaps 246 Trident Corporation Swapping Floating Dollars into Fixed Rate Swiss Francs 247 Counterparty Risk 249 Summary Points 250 MINI-CASE McDonalds Corporations British Pound impression 251 Questions n Problems Internet Exercises 252Chapter 10 Foreign Exchange Rate finish and Forecasting Exchange Rate Determination The Theoretical Thread 257 The Asset Market Approach to Forecasting 2602S6XVIContentsDisequilibrium Exchange Rates in Emerging Markets 262 Illustrative Case The Asian Crisis 262 Illustrative Case The Argentine Crisis of 2002 265 Forecasting in Practice 270 Summary Points 274 MINI-CASE JPMorgan Chases Forecasting Accuracy 274 Questions Problems Internet Exercises 276PART IIIForeign Exchange Exposure281Chapter 11 Transaction Exposure 282 Types of Foreign Exchange Exposure 282 Why Hedge? 284 Measurement of Transaction Exposure 287 Tridents Transaction Exposure 289 Management of an Account Payable 297 Risk Management in Practice 299 Su mmary Points 300 MINI-CASE Xian-Janssen Pharmaceutical (China) and the Euro 301 Questions D Problems D Internet Exercises 303 Appendix Complex Options 312Chapter 12 operating(a) Exposure 320 Attributes of Operating Exposure 320 Illustrating Operating Exposure Trident 322 Strategic Management of Operating Exposure 326 proactive Management of Operating Exposure 329 Contractual Approaches Hedging the Unhedgeable 336 Summary Points 337 MINI-CASE Toyotas European Operating Exposure 338 Questions a Problems a Internet Exercises 340Chapter 13 Translation Exposure Overview of Translation 344 Translation Methods 347 Translation Example Trident Europe 350 Comparing Translation Exposure with Operating Exposure 355 Managing Translation Exposure 355 Summary Points 359 MINI-CASE LaJolla Engineering run 360 Questions H Problems Internet Exercises 362PART IVFinancing the Global Firm365Chapter 14 The Global appeal and Availability of Capita 36 Weighted Average Cost of Capital 368 The Demand for F oreign Securities The Role of International Portfolio Investors 373 The Cost of Capital for MNEs Compared to home(prenominal) Firms 379 Solving a Riddle Is the Weighted Average Cost of Capital for MNEs Really Higher Than for Their Domestic Counterparts? 380 Summary Points 382 MINI-CASE Novo Industri A/S (Novo) 383 Questions D Problems Internet Exercises 387Contents xviiChapter 15 Sourcang Equity Globally 391 Designing a Strategy to Source Equity Globally 392 Foreign Equity Listing and Issuance 395 Effect of Cross-Listing and Equity Issuance on Share Price 397 Barriers to Cross-Listing and sellingEquity Abroad 399 Alternative Instruments to Source Equity in Global Markets 400 Summary Points 404 MINI-CASE Petrobras of brazil-nut tree and the Cost of Capital 404 Questions Problems a Internet Exercises 408Optimal Financial social structure 410 Optimal Financial Structure and the MNE 411 Financial Structure of Foreign Subsidiaries 414 International Debt Markets 418 Summary Points 4 24 MINI-CASE Tirstrup BioMechanics (Denmark) Raising Dollar Debt 424 Questions Problems o Internet Exercises 426PART VForeign Investment Decisions Chapter 17431International Portfolio Theory and Diversificationi. 432International Diversification and Risk 432 Internationalizing the Domestic Portfolio 435 National Markets and Asset Performance 441 Summary Points 446 MINI-CASE Is Modern Portfolio Theory Outdated? 447 Questions a Problems Internet Exercises 448Chapter 18 Foreign Direct Investment Theory and Political Risk Sustaining and Transferring Competitive Advantage 452 The OLI Paradigm and internalization 455 Deciding Where to Invest 457 How to Invest Abroad Modes of Foreign Involvement 458 Foreign Direct Investment Originating in Developing Countries 462 Foreign Direct Investment and Political Risk 464 Assessing Political Risk 465 Firm-Specific Risks 466 Country-Specific Risks Transfer Risk 469 Country-Specific Risks Cultural and Institutional Risks 472 Global-Specific Risk s 476 Summary Points 479 MINI-CASE Mattels Chinese Sourcing Crisis of 2007 480 Questions a Problems a Internet Exercises 483452Chapter 19 Multinational Capital Budgeting 487 Complexities of Budgeting fora Foreign Project 488 Project versus Parent Valuation 489 Illustrative Case Cemex Enters Indonesia 490 Real Option Analysis 502 Project Financing 503 Summary Points 505 MINI-CASE Tridents Chinese Market EntryAn Application of Real Option Analysis 505 Questions n Problems Internet Exercises 507xviiiContentsPART VIManaging Multinational Operations Chapter 20 Multinational measure Management513 514 taxation Principles 514 Transfer Pricing 522 Tax Management at Trident 524 Tax Haven Subsidiaries and International Offshore Financial Centers 525 Summary Points 527 MINI-CASE Stanley Works and Corporate Inversion 527 Questions Problems n Internet Exercises 531Chapter 21 Working Capital Management 535 Trident Brazils Operating Cycle 535 Tridents Repositioning Decisions 537 Constraints on R epositioning finances 539 Conduits for Moving Funds by Unbundling Them 539 International Dividend Remittances 540 Net Working Capital 542 International Cash Management 548 Financing Working Capital 552 Summary Points 556 MINI-CASE Honeywell and Pakistan International Airways 557 Questions Problems n Internet Exercises 559Chapter 22 Global vegetable oil Development Fiscal Regimes and Funding Financing Petroleum Development 566 Fiscal Regimes 566 Development Agreements 566 Concessions 569 Royalty/Tax Systems 570 Production Sharing Agreements 572 Service Agreements 574 Added Contractual Features 576 Top-Line Risks 578 Petroleum Prices 579 A Hypothetical Sub-Saharan prostate specific antigen 581 PSA Evolution 584 Funding Petroleum Development 587 Summary Points 590 MINI-CASE Petroleum Development and the Curse of Oil 590 Questions Problems o InternetExercises 593565Answers to Selected Problems Glossary Index 598 610595Credits 627
Monday, April 15, 2019
Research Methods Essay Example for Free
Research Methods EssayThe main factors that influence a sociologists choice of investigate method depend on deuce different theoretical go ones to the study of society positivism and interpretivism. Positivism is an approach in sociology that believes society can be studied using similar scientific techniques to those employ in the natural sciences, such as physics, biology and chemistry. Interpretivism is an approach emphasizing that people feed consciousness involving individualised beliefs, values and interpretations that influence the way they act and that they do not simply respond to forces outside them. These two theoretical approaches often use different explore methods be sheath they have different assumptions about the nature of society, this influences the typewrite of data they are interested in collecting. Practicality, ethics, theory and subject of study also contribute to the methods used for research. There are various methods sociologists use to carry ou t a research on society. The two common forms are duodecimal and qualitative research methods. I will begin by analysing the meanings cornerstone the words, qualitative and quantitative.Quantitative methods are used by people that support the use of scientific investigation, it commonly includes numerical statistical methods the purpose is to expand and utilize mathematical techniques, conjecture and hypothesis. In contrast to this the qualitative research method. This is usually used by sociologists that support the use of humanistic research. It differs from quantitative methods in the palpate that, qualitative research methods depend on specific reasons behind the way some people in society behave.Using the qualitative method however, they are prone to ask questions like, why? or how? compared to the quantitative data which would more likely ask straight forward questions like, what? or where. In qualitative methods the research usually focuses on small samples instead, un like quantitative research on the other hand, focus lacks and the methods usually inhabits a large, random sample. Unlike a quantitative method where the research depends restrictedly on the investigation of arithmetic or quantifiable statistics, data from qualitative research comes in many medium e. g. moving images, school text or sound.Qualitative research was first recognised in the 1970s. Examples of Qualitative data are instrumentalist observation, direct observation, un coordinate interviews, case studies etc. Examples of Quantitative data are questionnaires, surveys, attitude scales or standardised tests. They are practical issues that affect the methods sociologist may use. These can come from a range of financial issues to estimable issues.* Coaching Interviewers is comparatively clear-cut and economical however it cost more to merely redistributing questionnaire to people. Surveys that resort to structured interviews can cover great group of people with restricted r esources because they are moderately cheap to circularise however they cannot match the huge numbers reached by postal questionnaire. * Questionnaire and interviews collect straight forward actual information * Questionnaire results are quantitative because they are closed-ended questions with coded answers. This makes them suitable for hypothesis- testing. neartimes there are specific factors could cause problems amongst certain research methods.Such as * Time Questionnaires would be more time consuming slice the workload of surveys can be shared by a team * Money -researchers need an income and cost large scale. Social surveys are more high-priced than small focus groups. * Characteristics and skills of the research some situations may be risky and not all sociologist could cope handle this, a woman may have difficulty doing P. O in a monastery access and opportunity. If there is no access to certain groups thence secondary sources may have to be used as an alternative.An exam ple of this is when you get at researchers hoping to cover a survey on a specific inner circle or cult. This could be dangerous especially if that gang may have a record of crime and callous behaviour. The researcher may find it in truth hard if not impossible to get access into the gang or cult and if he was to get access he could be in immense trouble especially if he went under cover. * Some issues include ethical issues, sometimes certain research is taken on an undercover basis. This could be seen as illusory.Some people would argue that researchers should be 100% honest with the people they are researching on, it is only ethical, clean-living and honest that this form of sincerity is shown amongst whom the research is based on nevertheless when doing a research as an undercover researcher the questions of ethics arises. Is it morally correct that someone should be studied and researched on without combine or acknowledgement of such thing? The law is that undercover resear ch can only be approved as long as there is no other alternative that is available.Posivists like their research to be scientific whereas Interprevists like to get into the shoes and go through the situation. Feminists, Ann Oakley decides her choice of methods and topic fit in to her own experience of childhood and motherhood. As a feminist she avoided methods which she described as having a male-stream warp (positivism). She selected the more qualitative and intimate methods of unstructured interviews and participant observation. She deems that the commission of sociology is to include the lives of the respondents.
Sunday, April 14, 2019
Benchmarking for Performance Evaluation Essay Example for Free
Benchmarking for Performance Evaluation EssayIntroductIonIn September 2004, Wendy Wiley, the Northlake concurstore manager, was considering the implications of a shocking development. For the first time in her seven years as the bookstore manager, textbook gross sales for this f wholly had decreased from the prior fall sales. The sales decrease was approximately $180,000, or 3% of annual textbook sales. Wendy wanted to address this problem before it got worse. She found that this sales decrease was due to cardinal emerging technology problems, possibly of equal magnitude 1) the students increasing employment of on derivation textbook vendors, and 2) the professors increasing use of online textbook publishers. Wendy reported the bad sales news to her boss, pat Irwin, the Vice Chancellor of Finance at Northlake University.After commiserating with her, Chuck told her that he was not surprised by this sales problem and that she should consider how to get over with these em erging technologies in her next doing evaluation report by comparing the performance of the Northlake bookstore against competitors using benchmarking analysis. This analysis would help Wendy find the strengths and weaknesses of the Bookstore. redundantly, Chuck wanted Wendy to develop a a few(prenominal) discover related short-term performance goals and related measures that could be used in future performance evaluations. He wanted to discuss the situation at their meeting next week, which was the annual review of the Bookstores performance for the prior fiscal year 2004 (July 2003 through June 2004). A benchmarking analysis was necessitate by Chuck for the annual review of all the nonacademic departments under his management. Northlake is a private university, located in a major(ip) metropolitan area in the Midwest, with an annual enrollment of 12,700 students, well-nighly undergraduates.Northlake is quite dependent upon student tuition, which typically accounts for 60% o f its total revenues. However, the Chancellor was c formerlyrned because donations and gifts to the University were down, possibly due to uncertain economic conditions and erratic origin market performance. Prior to becoming the Northlake Bookstore manager, Wendy had spent 15 years in retail sales, most recently as a Wal-Mart sales manager. She was an outgoing, supportive individual who really liked being a retail sales manager and enjoyed working with her employees. She strongly believed in continuous improvement of any sales department that she managed. Despite her extensive retail experience in the for-profit sector, this was her first experience working in an academic environment. Wendy occasionally became frustrated working with faculty due to their late or inaccurate book orders. However, she liked helping students and enjoyed working in an academic environment without all the pressures of a for-profit business with battleful sales and earnings targets like Wal-Mart.China Ca se Competition 2009To prepare her benchmarking analysis report required for the upcoming annual performance evaluation of the Bookstore, Wendy had collected income statement, intersection point line, and other performance measures for the last triplet fiscal years. To aid evaluation, she summarized the various Bookstore operations into five ware lines textbooks, supplies and sundries, clothing, software and accessories, and computers.The textbook product line included new texts, used texts, class notes (course packs), and general reference books. The publish and sundry line included school and office supplies, electronics, food, sundries, greeting cards, and miscellaneous campus department sales. The clothing line included all insignia clothing, gifts, and memorabilia. Wendy knew she needed to act fast to thoroughly canvas all the information needed for the Bookstores annual benchmarking analysis that Chuck and the Chancellor required. She had a lot of historical information an d was wondering how to analyze this financial information for her benchmarking analysis report.BEncHMArKInGBenchmarking is the process of identifying superior performance of other organizations for products, services, and processes, and then attempting to improve unavoidable areas with the goal of achieving similar excellence. The benchmarking process first became popular in 1989 after Xerox advertised its success with the tool however, the tool was initially employed by Xerox in 1972. In fact, more than 70% of the Fortune 500 companieswhich includes ATT, Ford Motor Company, IBM, and Eastman Kodakreported using benchmarking regularly. Benchmarking is useful in countless decision-making settings including performance evaluation, health and safety management, and supply chain management.To reach for greater standards of excellence, Ford would likely consider distant automobile manufacturers that have been well known for high efficiency and quality, such as Toyota, the current world -wide attraction in automobile sales. Wendy currently benchmarked the performance of the bookstore against other college bookstores and major booksellers. In performing a benchmarking analysis, it was imperative for Wendy to benchmark processes that were aligned with organizational strategic objectives. Since the Bookstore was a profit center, it was imperative that she comparability the profitability of the various product lines with other universities.The Bookstore also had an objective to provide service excellence. Thus, if operational, it would be beneficial for Wendy to benchmark customer merriment data with other universities. Once processes that were consistent with strategic objectives were identified, it was incumbent to collect and analyze internal information vis--vis external information from competitors. The benchmarking process did not stop once areas of excellence and inferior performance were identified. Rather, it was imperative for Wendy to identify how to su stain the areas of excellence and improve the areas of inferior performance. In determining how to improve poor performance, she needed to understand the reason behind the poor performance. Once that was attained, it would be possible to determine a long-term plan for improvement.A key role of the Bookstore was to supply the Northlake University communitywhich included but was not limited to faculty, students, alumni and parentswith textbooks, supplies, clothing and gifts, computers and software, and much more. The Bookstores formal delegating statement was as follows The Northlake Bookstore is an academic resource for the students, faculty, staff, alumni, and guests of the University. The Bookstore serves the University with a business presence dedicated to providing service excellence that meets or exceeds the needs of each customer and University department. The Bookstore played a solid role in enabling parents of freshmen to participate in getting their children ready for the first day of class. Additional temporary staff was hired to ensure there was adequate assistance available for new students and locomote students who were purchasing their textbooks.These staff members were readily available and happy to answer any question that new parents or students might have regarding textbooks or the University in general. Also, congruent with the University laptop demand for all students, the Bookstore interchange computers and software. This was a great way for parents to enjoy onestop back-to-school shopping. Additionally, the Bookstore tried to promote the University as a defect name by selling clothing and accessories with the University logo and/or name. Availability of clothing and accessories was also a service provided to students, parents, and alumni who wanted to show their support for the school. Sales of merchandise with the University logo indirectly promoted the University, but the Bookstore did not try to formally create alumni support nor was that a formal goal.This was the function of the University Alumni Advancement (funding) office. As indicated by the mission statement, by the role taken to familiarize new parents and students, and by the sale of merchandise with the University logo, the Bookstore operated in a manner aimed at achieving high customer satisfaction. To measure customer satisfaction the Bookstore conducted an annual customer satisfaction survey and a separate faculty satisfaction survey. node suggestion forms were also readily available on the Bookstore website.In her years as the Bookstore manager, Wendy had developed various financial performance measures to help assess the performance of the Bookstore. Over the last few years, she had used these measures as part of her benchmarking analysis. She felt fortunate to have a fairly comprehensive benchmarking database available to her. It was provided annually to all bookstore members free of charge by the National Association of College Stores (NAC S). The only requirement was that each bookstore had to contribute its own data to the benchmarking database in order to use it. The NACS database included income statement, product line, and other types of benchmarks.With the looming threat from online textbook vendors, Wendy had started to benchmark Northlakes textbook prices against the major online textbook vendors. She also bring in mail orders and Web orders from Northlakes own website (started in 2000). Her task now was how best to use this benchmark information. She believed that her first step was to compare her current financial and operating results with the benchmark data to pinpoint areas in need of improvement. This analysis would likely uncover some areas that needed her attention, which would be useful in identifying areas in need of improvement.
Saturday, April 13, 2019
Operant Applications Essay Example for Free
Operant Applications EssaySelf actualization is at the pinnacle of Maslows Hierarchy of necessitate which examines the order by which human actions are geared towards. According to Maslow, in order to have the early(a) ineluctably, the basic needs have to be satisfied first . Only upon satisfying the physiological needs are the other needs considered. As such, the graduation in take suggests that egotism-actualization is the most difficult level to attain because of the preconditions that need to be satisfied in order to advance. According to Maslow, this is the most difficult to get through referable to its nature.It is not an absolute fact and is relative and therefore difficult to attain. The teachings of Maslow have shown that due to the relative nature of self actualization it is possible that a person may have achieved this but has not realized such and is therefore incapable of self actualization. In order to be self actualized, Maslow stated that there is a need for inner exploration and action. Man needs to realize his intragroup self and come to terms with such. It is this motivation which leads a person to self-actualization.This is problematic on several levels which explains wherefore Freud had a different perspective on the matter. While Maslow derived his theory from Freud, Freuds teaching was different in that these innate impulses are caused by the phylogenys in the human psyche and the subconscious. There is no innate implement but rather the logical effect of the interactions of the different personalities and parts of the human mind. The motivation comes not from the longing for self-actualization but from human behavior.From a cognitive point of view, this hierarchy of needs and self actualization is a function of the perturbations that an autonomous system needs. It is not so much self actualization, from this perspective, as it is the perceived competence to satisfy the basic needs in due time. There are, therefore, thr ee main components, material, cognitive and subjective. As such, self actualization is hampered by subjective incompetence which is caused during childhood that act as an inhibitor preventing the further development of cognitive competence.
Thursday, April 11, 2019
Chilean Copper Mine Collapse and Rescue Essay Example for Free
Chilean Copper exploit Collapse and Rescue EssayThe tragedy with the happy ending all started August 5, 2010, when the mine exposes 33 workers are confine at the Chilean copper mine 300 meters below the globe level. gumshoe codes require ladders for mines, and the miners attempted escape through the ventilation shaft system, but the ladders were missing. The digging operation in brief became cognize as Camp Hope, for the next 69 mean solar years the dry, dusty, work site would be where give up workers, officials, authorities, media, friends, and family of the trap miners would call home. A small copper operation in northern Chile, owned by exploitra San Esteban Primera, is in what many call the driest place on earth, the Atacama Desert. Some years earlier, the mine was shut blue because of several accidents, including one death in March 2007.Later, in 2007 the mine reopened and the mine workers went back to exploit the copper. In August 2010 when the accident occurr ed there were two groups of workers in the mine the source group were burn down the entrance could escape, but the second group were so deep in the mine escape though the normal entrance was non an option. The workers quickly went to the ventilation shaft system only to find the ladders were not in place as requested in the orders written by the federation of Chilean mining workers and the confederation of copper works when the mine reopened. By the time hand over teams could respond these shafts were not loving because of ground move handst cause by the cave-in.The Chilean government took over the rescue effort on the first day and poured enormous resources into the operation (Kofman). By day two, rescuers had started drilling boreholes in the attempt to subside the miners and allowing listening devices to be sent down in efforts to hear if any of the miners had survived. A second collapse causes access to the lower shafts to be blocked and shut down operations. The trapped w orkers knew that rescue operations were in play because the 33 men could the noises below the ground. With limited food, water, and oxygen supplies officials are not sure if the trapped miners can survive four days in their current conditions. By day 17, eight holes had been bore using equipment that had been brought in because on site there was not ample equipment for a rescue of this magnitude.As one of the drill bits (normally used for oil drilling) returned to surface with a note attached, stating Estamos bien en el refugio, los 33 (English We are well in the shelter, the 33) (Wikipedia, 2010). Receiving this message was the first bit of given anticipate to the families that the collapse mine victims were all alive and well. This is when all problematical began to change the facility once known as San Jos to Camp Hope. To this point in the rescue operations little talk of survival is the conversation, and this is to check false hope or any media mishaps. The authorities had g iven special thought and considerations to all persons involved in the tragedy. Many times is areas such as Copiapo, Chile, the miners, the companys administrative workers, and rescue personal are either friends or family, so by keeping this in psyche the communications had to project that efforts to rescue would not cease until all hope is lost. Preparations for the rescue of the survivors were in operations, and the workers and the family members of the trapped miners needed refuge.Tents and shelters were set-up and be grow home as authorities announced the rescue could take several months. During the first 17 days, three plans have been put into place, in the rescue operations. All three of the plans worked in fantastic scheme of the rescue, in order for the trapped miners to survive this long a plan of survival had to come to play. A trapped shift-supervisor took on the role as survival leader, and gathered the men in a secure room, organizing their supplies with the intent th at the few resources they had must last-place if they were to survive the rescue. Luis Urzula in a position of authority, and the mens trust Urzula he explains ratios and organizes skilled men to go out into the mine shafts to assess the situation. Finally, workers from higher up can secure two holes, only six inches in diameter, but with the help of what is known as paloma, everything needed by the men below could be sent. Clothing, food, water, medicine, and sleeping supplies could be sent to the men.The items meant more than near survival, the items helped to establish trust that survival was possible. In the days to follow a small fiber ocular video line is snaked down to the men. Each family is given the chance to see and speak to their loved ones the capability to send and receive messages they receive encouragement. As the end of the month of August grows near, conception A and Plan B toward rescue are in full operations. The trapped workers now have electricity, runnin g water, honeyed air, and the fiber optic video cable that allows the men to watch live soccer through their trivial TV, reported ABC News.Each of the men was allowed five minutes per day to communicate with their families and open-communications with the rescues. The once on the whole hopeless situation for all the companys employees and the rescue worker, whether this is the professionals or the friends and families, they now feel the coherency of the rescue efforts. In all of the communications questions were allowed and encouraged to ensure operations below and above ground were in complete collaborations for the efforts of the success in the rescue and to rejoin these families.September passed and October arrives, the rescue mission continues, in the time that has passed the assembly of people gave considerable care, and thought to each member of the rescue operation. Over the other(prenominal) 60 days, by establishing, a record level of compassion is felt, and a bond grew to encourage hope. Finally, on October 12, 2010 the first of the 33 miners was brought up in a rescue capsule, and almost 24 hours later the last trapped miner was brought to safety. The entire group of rescued miners underwent medical and psychological evaluations within seven days of the rescue all 33 were home with their families.REFERENCESSherwell, Philip. (2010). 2010 Copiap mining accident. Retrieved on April 21, 2011. http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_Copiap%C3%B3_mining_accidentWeik, J. (2010, August 6). Over 30 workers trapped after Chilean copper mine collapse. Metal Bulletin Daily, (224), 65.Kofman, Jeffery. (2010). Trapped Inside the Chilean Mine Collapse. Retrieved on April 19, 2010.http//abcnews.go.com/International/inside-chilean-mine-33-trapped-men/story?id=11622729page1
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
The key features of situation ethics Essay Example for Free
The key features of built in bed ethical motive EssayExamine the key features of state of affairs morals. Then outline the main weaknesses of situation moral philosophy. How outlying(prenominal) do these lead to a rejection of the theory?Despite the view of Kant, and many Christian people, that it is non h atomic number 53st to only act after assessing the implications of a moral action, since the 1960s a view that situation morality is an effective way to judge an action and its consequences has emerged in the secular community. However, it is also necessary to acknowledge the Christian ethos in order to fully make a decision on the ethical viability of something in such an ephemeral world. Situation ethics is a theory approximately commonly associated with the work of Joseph Fletcher, an American professor and one of the key pioneers in bioethics, and J.A.T. Robinson, a New Testament scholar, author and a former Anglican bishop of Woolwich. Fletcher wrote a handwrit ing c completelyed Situation Ethics, which was published in 1966, a time when the ephemeral nature of the realm was super accentuated by political matters Women were more commonly going to work, following the suffrage movement onwards the war and their valued contribution to the war effort during it, President John F. Kennedy of the United States had been assassinated and there was a large amount of shock and horror surrounding the brutal Vietnam war.Furthermore, Martin Luther King had left his bequest at this time, notwithstanding though it would be many years before the divisive pre-civil rights attitudes and laws were truly shaken off, and the sexual revolution that occurred in the 1960s, where the invention of the pill came about, and sexual promiscuity was finally accepted. Also, the emergence of the teenager, a concept that had non been acknowledge before as a type of person with his or her have got music, fashion and politics, the consequential growing power of the st udent movement and the rebellious spirit of the rock and inscription culture that went hand in hand with the aforementioned new young adults power, when combined with the some other reasons mentioned above, all meant that the scene was set for a radical shift in the social power base.The church, in particular, did not see this impending shift in power as an appealing prospect. The British Council of Churches in 1964 positive a Working Party that set out to Prep ar a Statement of the Christian introduce for abstinence from sexual intercourse before conjugal union and faithfulness within marriageand to suggest message whereby the Christian position may be effectively presented to the various sections of the community. They wanted to convey a sane and accountable attitude towards jazz and marriage in the face of the misleading suggestions conveyed by much popular literature, fun and advertising.They also observed that a widespread feeling, especially among Christian people, t hat recent years have witnessed a general lowering of moral standards, and that this is especially evident in the realm of sexual behaviour. The Church found much emphasis on a report called The Sexual Behaviour of Young People by Michael Schofield, saying that they wanted to reassess where Christian moral truth lay. The report was conducted in 1965, and concluded that in the 1960s young people were exposed to these factors greater independence more money in their pockets and purses the change of family bonds and religious influences the development of earlier maturity physically, emotionally and mentally the impact of modern books, television, periodicals.1963 saw the issuance of an extremely controversial book that threw the Church into disarray and disagreement. J.A.T. Robinsons downright to graven image is a theological school text in which the author challenges the traditional view that God is watching over the world as a supreme power in a three-storied universe, instea d suggesting, in conjunction with Paul Tillich, a German-American theologian and Christian existentialist philosopher, that God should be understood as the ground of our being as opposed to a deux ex machine, a phenomenon that cannot be explained, which influences and interferes with the world while remaining detached from it.This book was also in support of the new devotion outlined in Joseph Fletchers article The New way at Christian Ethics published in the Harvard Divinity Bulletin before the more known Situation Ethics book. Fletcher had written in this that Christian ethics is not a scheme of systemize conduct. It is a purposive effort to relate hit the hay to a world of relativities through a casuistry duteous to love. In other words, the new Christian morality for man come of age, a phrase coined from Dietrich Bonheoffer, was not based on law, or rather, perhaps, on one law only the law of love.To illustrate their beliefs on new morality over old, some(prenominal) Flet cher and Robinson cited the examples of Jesus and the Pharisees, which were meant to exemplify new morality and old morality respectively. Whilst the Pharisees elaborated the Torah to accommodate either possible situation, the example of Jesus say You who are not abominable of sin may cast the first stone in John 82-11, after a woman who had been caught in adultery was sentenced to stoning.This is an example of Jesus demonstrating love, passion and integrity and showing the weakness of exploitation absolute laws as a meaning of judging individual moral cases. Fletcher further observed that Bultmann A German theologian was correct is saying that Jesus had no ethics if we accept, as I do not, that his definition of ethics was a system of values and rules intelligible for all men. This gives the implication that a system of moral codes is unnecessary. two Fletcher and Robinson acknowledged that the shift from a supranaturalist view of ethics to a situationalist or existentialist vie w of ethics would not be universally popular. This was shown as early as 1956 when the Pope Pius XII anticipated this, and consequentially banned the view from all seminaries. Protestants, however, were equally suspicious, as they realised it meant that nothing can be designate as universally dear(p) or bad. However, Robinson argued the only way to deal with situations was situationally, not prescriptively. He state Whatever the pointers of the law to the demands of love, there can for the Christian be no packaged moral judgements for persons are more important even than standards.Robinson argued that a situationalist view should be employ to divorce law. Questioning the mercenary view that marriage created a supernatural, unbreakable bond between two people, he argues that the metaphysical bond that binds two people in marriage can be broken through divorce depending on the situation surrounding it. In the book Honest To God, Robinson wrote It is not a question of Those whom G od hath conjugate together let no man put asunder no man could if he tried. For marriage is not merely indissoluble it is indelible. He bankd that it was potentially damaging and out-dating to believe that divorce was an impossibility.He legal opinion it was time for sympathetics to seek liberty from such supernaturalism thinking, and be ready to leave female genitalia the restrictions of the old moral law if love was best served by so doing. Fletcher and Robinson identified open love, a term used to distinguish the different types of love known as agape, philia, storge and eros, as the only per se good thing, and it was specify by William Barclay as unconquerable good will it is the determination to seek the other mans highest good, no matter what he does to you. Insult, injury, indifference it does not matter nothing but good will. It has been defined as purpose, not passion. It is an attitude to the other person.This kind of love is highly demanding or, as Barclay sugges ted, a highly intelligent thing. It is not random, fatalistic, romantic love that cannot be demanded. Rather, agape love is required of one human being to another, and demands that the whole personality be involved in a deliberate directing the will, mettle and mind. To employ agape, it is conceivable that laws must be put aside, although this may leave many legalists and supernaturalisms without a time-tested foundation on which to maintain their position of moral superiority. Fletcher wrote If the emotional and spiritual welfare of both parents and children in a particular family can be served best by a divorce, wrong and cheapjack as divorce commonly is, then love requires it.Joseph Fletcher identified three approaches to morality Legalism, a conservative, rule-based morality homogeneous that of the Pharisees, or as Fletcher state, a morality in which Solutions are preset, and you can look them up in a book a Bible or a confessors manual Antinomianism, the polar opposite of l egalism which means that no rules or maxims can be applied to a moral situation and situationism, a central decision between the other two positions, or, as stated in Situation Ethics, The situationist enters into every decision-masking situation fully armed with the ethical maxims of his community and its heritage, and he treats them with respect Just the same he is vigilant in any situation to compromise them or set them aside in the situation if love seems better served by doing so.Fletcher developed his theory by drawing on a wide sick of cases that could not be resolved by applying fixed rules and beliefs for instance, the famous case of Mrs Bergmeier who by choice asked a Russian prison camp guard to make her pregnant so she could be released to excrete to her family in Germany.Furthermore, Fletcher even developed four presuppositions of situation ethics Pragmatism, which demands that a proposed course of action should work, and that its success or distress should be ju dged according to the principle Relativism, which rejects such absolutes as never, always, perfect, and complete Positivism, a concept which recognizes that love is the most important criterion of all and finally personalism, a concept which demands that people should be put first. He then went on, developing his opinion on how agape love should be understood conceptually, and how it should be applied as a theory in situation ethics.He said that not only is love always good, but that it was the only norm, appealing to Jesuss teaching in Mark 1233 that the most important commandment is to love God and love your neighbour. Hr also said that love and arbiter are the same, and love is justice distributed, that love is not liking and always wills the neighbours good and that situation ethics is a teleological theory that identifies the ends or the outcome of the actions as the means of assessing its moral worth. Finally, he said that because there is no way of knowing in advance whether something is right or wrong because every situation is different, the situationist must be prepared to make every moral decision afresh.Some believers believe that morality consists of obeying the commands of God as directly revealed by him through scripture and the Church. They believe that what is morally good and what is morally bad is pre-determined by what God has said through scripture and other means, and that to contradict the views of God is to be immoral and bad. This view was backed up by Kant in his deontological approach to ethics, as he said that moral rules are good in themselves and should be obeyed irrespective of the consequences. Professor Gordon Dunstan also concord with this, saying It is possible, though not easy, to forgive Professor Joseph Fletcher for writing this book, for he is a generous and lovable man. It is harder to forgive the SCM Press for publishing it.In contrast to Fletcher, William Barclay adopted a conservative view on Christian ethics, chall enging the so named new morality of Fletcher on several grounds. He argued that it is highly dependd(prenominal) for someone to be presented with the extreme circumstances presented by Fletcher, so it is not reasonable to base the principle of situation ethics on these such matters. He wrote in Ethics in a bailable Society, It is much easier to agree that extra median(a) situations need extraordinary measures than to think that there are no laws for ordinary everyday life. He also suggests that Fletcher overestimates the value of being free from rules and the constant decision-making processes that this forces earthly concern into. If it were the case that agape could always be fairly and accurately dealt out, then laws would be redundant. As it is, there are no such guarantees, and so a degree of law is necessary for human survival.Barclay believes that law is essential for a variety of reasons because it clarifies experience because it is the means by which society determines what a reasonable life is because it defines crime because it has a deterrent value, and because it protects society. He also says that Fletcher was unrealistic in his observation on how truly free humans are to make decisions and judge the moral worth of something when not shackled by any laws. Barclay particularly emphasises that law ensures that humans do not make an artificial distinction between public and reclusive morality, and was quoted as saying A man can live his own life, but when he begins deliberately to alter the lives of others, then a real problem arises, on which we cannot simply turn out backs, and in which there is a place for law as the encourager of morality. In summary, Barclay criticised Fletcher for his miscalculated optimism about the ability of humans to be morally good while remaining free of personal preference and consequential bias. How can we intercede a case in which two people reach different conclusions about an action, yet both claim to be actin g in the interests of love?In the same year that the scandalous Honest to God by J. A. T. Robinson came into publication, Susan Howatch composed a novel named Scandalous Risks in which a number of characters face moral dilemmas, and assay to examine each of these while conceptually following situation ethics. In one scene we see a character called Venetia seeking the help of another called Father Darrow in an attempt to understand the way in which her romantic friend rationalises and conducts their relationship along the lines of situation ethics. The, so to speak, moral, of this point is that situation ethics is idealistic and cannot work, despite its obvious theoretical benefits. Rarely do our real-life situations conform to the consecutive solutions that would apparently be available to us if we applied the principles of ethical theory.An overall conclusion must be drawn from both parts a) and b) of this essay collectively. It seems that the argument is relatively balanced deb ating the validity of Robinsons and Fletchers approach to moral-decision making. It is common to strive for the freedom to make choices situationally, whether or not it be within the framework of agape, although this is constrained by not only the law, but also by the moral judgment of others. In this age, when we might suppose that secularism and liberalism would have a stronger hold on religions than previously, organizations such as Silver Ring Thing and straight Love Waits are encouraging young people to take a vow of celibacy, which infers a return to traditional sexual ethics. Perhaps, instead of offering a realistic answer to morally-challenging situations, situation ethics offers a tantalising alternative to structured and relatively inflexible law-based morality.
Monday, April 8, 2019
What Are the Differences in Organizational Structures Essay Example for Free
What Are the Differences in Organizational Structures EssayOrganizational bodily expression development is driven by an brass instruments type. According to Lamar University, organisational structure is, the formal system of task and reporting relationships that harbors, coordinates, and motivates employees so that they cooperate to achieve an organizations goals. Depending on the type of production line or organization, the organizational structure allow for be developed diametrically. For example, if you were running a local constabulary discussion section, the organizational structure would be very different from the structure utilise to run a department store. The type of structure customd in a organization has the potential to addition or abrogate productivity. Differentiation The differentiation organizational structure is a team-based, functional shape up. The structure separates the company into different teams that atomic number 18 specialized to accomp lish a specific task. This is commonly seen in departments within a company. The company separates employees into an nurture technology department, customer service department and marketing department that confines each to specific tasks. The teams to do not interconnect or cross departmental lines to maintain order and control.Divisional Divisional organizational structure overlaps teams and skills in order to accomplish a task. This structure allows different departments to interconnect to utilize the different skills in team members on different teams. For example, if a customer is talking with a representative from the teaching technology (IT) department about a technical issue, a customer service representative may be needed to first enumerateen and gather the information to relay to the IT specialist. The teams work together to increase productivity.Tall organizations establish many levels from the executives down to the entry-level positions. Tall organizations commonly use an authoritative leadership approach where leadership makes executive decisions that atomic number 18 communicated through management with the expectation of employees following directions without questions. This structure limits feedback from employees and does not promote free-thinking or critical thinking. This type of structure is seen in the military. An office gives a command and the soldiers argon expected to respond immediately, without question.Flat organizations have fewer levels of management and leadership and incorporate employees into the decision-making process and effortless affairs of the business. A democratic or delegative leadership structure places the emphasis more on the members of the organization than the leadership. Democratic leadership pulls team members into the decision-making process for help on brainstorming, feedback and improving company policy and procedures. Delegative structures cast tasks to different teams and allow the teams to make d ecision on their own without consulting leadership.What Is Hotel Organizational Structure?A hotel organizational structure is a oecumenical plan by a hotel owner to define departmental activities and responsibilities. This structure brings order to every aspect of hotel operation from the motility desk and room service to the human resources department. Hotel organizational structures are necessary to ensure maximum profitability from each room, restaurant and stop on a unremarkable basis. Your hotel potty run efficiently if it creates an organizational structure that is easy to lowstand. Objectives A hotels organizational structure is inconstant without an initial listing of organizational objectives.These objectives address internal and external affairs for the hotel so that the goals it sets forth can be achieved by appropriate personnel. An internal objective for a hotel may be weekly contactings amidst department heads to communicate operational problems. External obje ctives within a hotel organizational structure may admit recruitment goals for seasonal staff and variable pricing for weekdays and weekends. You can work with a hotel consulting firm such(prenominal) as HVS Hotel Management to establish short- and long-term objectives from the start.Span of ControlThe term span of control is used to describe the chain of authority in a hotel organizational structure. A hotel using a massive span of control requires every department to report to the ecumenical manager directly. Hotels using narrow spans of control delegate management authority to assistant managers, department heads and supervisors for day-to-day problems. A small hotel is likely to use a wide span of control because the general manager may be on come in every day. National and international chains use narrow spans of control to address hotel issues immediately as owners or general managers are not able to cover each hotel.Defining Department Responsibilities The louvre departm ents that are listed in a hotel organizational structure are Rooms Food and Beverage compassionate Resources Marketing and Accounting. The Rooms department cares customer service including laundry, housekeeping and reservations. FB is responsible for running room service, bar and restaurant operations. The Human Resources department is asked to handle employee recruitment, training and benefits, and Accounting oversees the hotel ledger. The Marketing department is given the office of selling ad space in hotels and running promotions.Organizational Flow Chart The size of your hotel will determine the size and nature of your organizational flow chart. A small hotel with a handful of employees may feature a two-level chart with the owner at the top and lines connecting to maintenance, reservations and housekeeping. A chain hotel must confine additional layers of management including an executive board and regional managers, which expands the flow chart to at least quatern layers. An organizational flow chart can be as general as a unreserved departmental overview or focused on position-by-position relationships throughout the hotel.Job Definition and Responsibilities Your hotel should define each line of credit title carefully after completing its organizational flow chart. Each job should be listed alphabetically within each department and include a brief summary of job responsibilities. A comprehensive list of job responsibilities for each position title should be included in an organization structure. This list is used by human resource managers for recruitment ads and employee evaluations within your hotel. Your hotels employees understand what they need to get through each day if they have access to narrowly defined job responsibilities.Types of Hotel Organizational Structure By Mollye Miller, eHow Contributor updated May 11, 2010 Large luxury hotels require a complex organizational structure to come to guest needs. Because hotels vary in size and ty pe, hotel organizational structure depends on the range of services and conveniences offered to visiting guests. Some organizational structures include multiple departments, managers and branches to extend full-service luxury accommodations and amenities. However, small, low-budget, family run hotels may have only one manager and a few employees to handle all guest needs and services. basicSmaller or economy hotels need a small organizational structure and hierarchy to meet guest needs All hotels divide their operations into two basic categories administrative and guest operations. administrative personnel handle the hotels paperwork, accounting, human resources and office work responsibilities. operations employees handle the general functions of the hotel. This includes checking in guests, organise events, cleaning rooms and maintenance duties. Both administrative and operations employees generally report to the hotel manager (general manager) and other(a) managerial staff empl oyees.The general manager oversees, and some(a)times coordinates all hotel major functions and makes sure the organization runs smoothly at all times. Departments Administrative departments include human resources employees who hire and lay off staff accountants, who handle invoices and paychecks and front office employees who maintain the hotels database of guests and service calls. The administrative side also includes sales, marketing and promotional managers who give out the hotel and its services. The operations department includes employees who operate, coordinate and handle all guest needs inperson or behind the scenes.Operations employees include the front office workers who check in guests, maintenance crews, engineers, food and drunkenness staff, event coordinators and the managerial staff. Full-Service, Resort or Luxury A hotel general manager oversees all hotel operations to ensure the hotel runs smoothly. A sizeable, full-service hotel maintains an extensive organiz ational structure in order to quickly meet its guests needs and desires. The hotel utilizes a large management staff, including a general manager, a hiring manager, and managers of its catering, restaurant, housekeeping, sales and marketing departments.According to the United States Bureau of fag out Statistics 2010-2011 report on hotel organization, large hotel chainsrecognizing the importance of expanded lodging optionsare starting to offer limitedservice, economy, and luxury inns under one corporate name. Limited Service or Economy Limited service hotelsincluding boutique hotels, some bed and breakfasts, and budget (or economy) hotelsdo not require the expansive organizational structure that a large-scale hotel requires. These littler hotels operate with a smaller, more diversified staff.According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics report on hotel accommodations, patrons ordinarily find smaller hotels in urban locations. Depending on an individual hotels rating, patrons oft en find highquality service and typical decor and food selections due to tight staff and quality control measures. Employee Hierarchy A hotels organizational structure depends largely on the quality, competence and hierarchy of its staff. At the top of the hotel pyramid is the hotels Chief decision maker Officer (CEO). Underneath the CEO is the management staff, headed by the hotel general manager.The general manager, who oversees all hotel operations on a daily basis, may hire an assistant manager to help with his myriad duties and supervision. Underneath the general manager, a hotel may have a catering director, restaurant manager, wine manager, human resources director, administrative director, front office manager, etc. Underneath the managerial staff are the employees who work in food and beverage services, marketing and sales, room service, housekeeping and maintenance. The size of the hotel and the type of services it offers determines the complexity of its organizational e mployee structure.
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